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Air Quality Monitoring

This section provides access to air quality monitoring data and reports for Sussex.

Peak hourly readings from each site and a graph showing pollution levels over the last seven or thirty days.

Local Authorities are required to assess and report every year to the government on the air quality in their local area. The reports must assess whether the statutory health-based objectives are being met. Where the objectives are not being met a Local Authority has to produce an Air Quality Action Plan to improve local air quality. ​

Air Quality Latest readings

Today's Air Quality


When air pollution is LOW (1-3) effects are unlikely to be noticed even by those who are sensitive to air pollution. Enjoy your usual outdoor activities.


When air pollution is MODERATE (4-6) individuals sensitive to air pollution may notice mild effects but these are unlikely to need action.


When air pollution is HIGH (7-9) individuals sensitive to air pollution may notice significant effects and may need to take action.

Very High

When air pollution is VERY HIGH (10) effects on individuals sensitive to air pollution, described for HIGH pollution, may worsen.

Air Quality Forecasts

The air quality forecasts are provided by the Met Office on a daily basis, 365 days a year, for locations across Sussex. These forecasts are checked, and whenever there is a predicted exceedance of the “moderate” air quality banding, alerts are triggered and sent out to recipients.

The Sussex Air Alert Service is provided by the Sussex Air Quality Partnership (Sussex-air), that sends free messages direct to you when air pollution levels increase in your area.

Sussex Air Quality is targeted at people with respiratory and heart conditions who may be adversely affected by air pollution.

Air Quality & Health

Sussex-air is a partnership, set up in 2000, comprised of officers from all the Local Authorities in Sussex.

The partnership has a set of terms of reference but is not a formally constituted body.

Good Air Quality is fundamental healthy living and ensuring our emissions to air do not impact on the environment as well. By reducing pollutant emissions we are also helping to fight Climate Change and deliver a more sustainable lifestyle. 

It is estimated that long term exposure to man-made air pollution in the UK has an annual effect equivalent to 28,000 to 36,000 deaths (Public Health England – Nov 18).