Crawley – Air Quality Reports


Local Authorities are required to assess and report every year to the government on the air quality in their local area. The reports must assess whether the statutory health-based objectives are being met. Where the objectives are not being met a Local Authority has to produce an Air Quality Action Plan to improve local air quality. ​


These reports provide an overview of air quality in Crawley District Council.

Crawley Borough Council: Review and Assessment Summary

As part of the Local Air Quality Management process (LAQM) required by the Environment Act 1995, the Council carries out an annual review and assessment of air quality in the borough to identify local air quality hot spots and pollution sources.

Road traffic is the main source of (nitrogen dioxide) pollution in Crawley, and our network of monitoring sites measures concentrations along busy roads as well as at background locations and areas of specific interest (such as residential locations close to the airport), to give a broad picture of pollution levels across the borough.

Air Quality in Crawley is mainly good, with the exception of a small number of locations alongside busy roads where the Council is working with its partners to tackle pollution and target measures to improve air quality in these areas.

Crawley Borough Council has one Air Quality Management Area (AQMA), which was declared in 2015, covering the Hazelwick Roundabout and Crawley Avenue (A2011) area of Crawley, where high levels of nitrogen dioxide were measured at as a result of traffic emissions. The AQMA was extended in 2021 to include the area close to Three Bridges Rail Station, which also has high levels of nitrogen dioxide as a result of heavy commuter traffic.

More information on air quality in Crawley, including Crawley’s AQMA can be found at the following link: Air quality | Crawley GOV

There are no air quality management areas in Crawley Borough

Crawley Council’s Stage One Report was published in December 1998 and concluded that there might be potential problems from Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen Dioxide and PM10 (fine particles) in the Crawley area. Since the publication of that report, further work has been carried out to assess if these pollutants are likely to be significant enough to exceed the National Air Quality Objectives. The further assessments concluded that no areas would breach air quality standards, so it was not necessary to declare an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA).

Sussex Air Quality Network (SAQN) Reports

These reports describe the air pollution trends, episodes and standards across Sussex.

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