Measures likely to offer the biggest emission savings are:
- Replacing your old boiler with a new high efficiency and ultra-low NOX model
- Ecodesign stoves instead of open fires (for those that burn solid fuels)
- Insulation (cavity wall, loft and solid wall)
- Renewable technology such as air or ground source heat pumps or solar water heating.
Support available for residents this winter:
Green Homes Grant offers homeowners in England financial contribution to the worth to £5,000 to help cover the cost of energy efficiency improvements to their home – such as low-carbon heating systems, insulation or double glazing to replace single glazing. The deadline for applications has been extended to March 2022. Visit the Simple Energy Advice website for details and to find out which measures you are eligible for.
Citizens Advice Fuel |Poverty Line: Contact Citizens Advice in West Sussex on 0344 477 1171 for free and confidential advice, or visit their website – https://www.advicewestsussex.org.uk.
LEAP offers support for lower income households telephone for further information and support: 0800 060 7567
or email support@applyforleap.org.uk or visit websites – https://applyforleap.org.uk
Part of the LEAP service also includes:
ECHO is an emergency scheme offering a free-of charge service to vulnerable lower income households whose gas boiler have broken down. It is aimed at households that are vulnerable and need immediate assistance to stay warm and well. www.emergencyheating.org.uk
Warmer Homes is a Warm Home Fund project that provides free gas connections and first time central heating for the vulnerable. Warmer Homes aims to reduce bills, increase comfort in non-gas households, and improve health outcomes for residents across all tenures. www.warmerhomes.org.uk
HEART supports fuel poor and vulnerable households through the replacement of old, inefficient fridges, fridge/freezers, washing machines and cookers with modern, efficient alternatives. These households will be either in fuel poverty, in danger of falling into fuel poverty, or otherwise vulnerable.
Retrofit Works
Another route to improvements is through the emerging Retrofit Works project. Retrofit Works project manage improvements from design to implementation and the works are funded through local authority grants. Please contact your local authority to enquire about whether they have signed up to the scheme.
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