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Alert Terms & Conditions

Rights, Terms & Conditions


Your use of this website is subject to GDPR legislation, which gives a set of rights as explained below:

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – Privacy Notice

Who we are
  • This service is run by the Environmental Research Group (ERG) of Imperial College London on behalf of the Sussex Air Quality Partnership (Sussex-air).
What we collect and why

User Entered Data

  • The data entered on this website is used to send you air pollution alerts, and to provide summary information to those responsible for managing the service.
  • This includes contact details, and also optionally includes age, ethnicity and health information.
  • All personal information on the Environmental Research Group systems is stored in encrypted format and any transfer of personal data will also be encrypted using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology.
  • You must be at least 13 years old to register for this service.
  • If you are under 13 you can get a parent or someone else who cares for you to register for you.
  • We will keep this data as long as this service is being provided and you have not suspended your account.
  • If this service is terminated or your account is suspended then we will delete any personal information within 3 months.


  • Our website uses cookies to help users interact with the site more efficiently.
  • Cookies typically expire after two weeks and are primarily used to support auto completion of forms such as log in or email enquiries.
  • We do not store or process cookie information beyond their annonymous use by Google Analytics.

Website Logging

  • We sometimes store logs of IP addresses and requests in order to track technical problems and monitor for abuse.
  • We delete this information after three months.


  • We use Google Analytics to collect standard log information and details of visitor behaviour patterns.
  • This information is processed in a way that does not identify anyone.


  • The legal basis for us storing and processing your user entered data is that you have actively given us your consent.
  • You may withdraw your consent at any time by suspending your account using the website, or by getting in touch with us.
  • The legal basis for us storing and processing website logging is that it is in our legitimate interests.
Who we share it with

User Entered Data

  • We may pass encrypted user entered data to an external researcher if you have selected to be contacted in the future.
  • The researcher(s) and the research organisation will be selected by the Sussex Air Quality Partnership.
  • All data passed to them is encrypted.


  • Standard log information and details of visitor behaviour patterns is passed to Google Analytics.
What are your rights?
  • You can use the website to see and edit all your user entered data by logging on to your account.
  • You can also suspend your account, and we will delete any personal information within 3 months. If you want data deleted sooner than that then please get in touch.
  • You can contact ERG directly (
  • You can contact the Data Protection Office directly ( and have the right to make a complaint.
  • Imperial College London is the registered data controller number Z5940050.
Changes to this notice
  • This notice was created on the 16th of May 2018.
  • It will be updated whenever there is a substantive change to the service or website, or if there is a change to the appropriate legislation.

Terms & Conditions

By using the website and subscribing to receive these alerts you agree to the following terms and conditions on the service.

Alert Service
The Sussex Air Quality Partnership established and manages the service with specialist support from partners in health information, research and technical support for the Alert message service.

Limitations of the forecasting system and liability for your health
Air pollution forecasts are inherently uncertain and their accuracy is not guaranteed. In addition, air pollution is not the only cause of health problems. Imperial College London and the airAlert partner local authorities and agencies accept no liability for your health nor for any action you take based on the forecasts or alerts or the consequences of your actions. The air pollution forecasts and health advice provided on the website is purely indicative.

Service provision
Imperial College London will endeavor to provide air pollution forecasts and alerts on the days and at the times chosen by users, but accepts no legal liability for failure to provide these forecasts and alerts nor the consequences of any actions you may take arising from such failure.

The forecasts text summaries and forecast maps are the intellectual property of Imperial College London and may not redistributed or published by any means without the prior written permission of Imperial College London.

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