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When is an Alert sent?

When is a Sussex Air Quality Alert sent?

Forecasts of air quality are generated daily, 365 days of the year.

Forecasts are made in the morning and sent by mid-day each day. The forecasts cover a 5-day period.

Alerts will be sent only if  air quality is forecast to be “Moderate” or above on the day of the forecast or on any of the other 4 days within the 5-day forecast period.

You will be sent the alert if:

  1.  There is an alert for an area you subscribe to is “Moderate” or above and
  2. An alert is forecast for the present day or one day over the following 4 days.


We will not resend alerts if the air pollution levels stay the same or goes back down to “Low”.

We will only send alerts if the level changes to “High” or “Very High” in that period.

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