Eastbourne – Air Quality Reports

Local Authorities are required to assess and report every year to the government on the air quality in their local area. The reports must assess whether the statutory health-based objectives are being met. Where the objectives are not being met a Local Authority has to produce an Air Quality Action Plan to improve local air quality.


Eastbourne Borough Council: Review and Assessment Summary

The review and assessment of air quality in this authority has been undertaken following the Local Air Quality Management process. The link to the local authority air quality reports is below:
Eastbourne Borough Council Air Quality Reports.

There are no air quality management areas in Eastbourne Borough

The council completed Air Quality Updating and Screening Assessments for Eastbourne in 2003 and 2004, following an initial Review and Assessment completed in June 2000.

The work in the Borough was carried out in accordance with Government guidance, as required by the Environment Act 1995. The air quality assessments identified that the air quality objectives of the National Air Quality Strategy (NAQS) were likely to be met in the required timescales, so it has not been necessary to declare an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA).

Sussex Air Quality Network (SAQN) Reports

These reports describe the air pollution trends, episodes and standards across Sussex.

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